“I have 4 stage-moves when playing the bass: ‘The Swoop,’ ‘The Dan Ball 1-2-3,’ ‘The Bobble-Head’ and I always like to finish with ‘The Final Stroke.'”
– Dan Ball, a man of many charms
The magic is definitely happening, and depending on what your interpretation of “magic” is, it’s a good thing and not gross at all!
For those of you who are not aware, we have been living in a house located in South-East Edmonton for the past two weeks writing new songs and recording them in demo format for a brand new album. Hazeldean, the locals call the area, and so far so good. The songwriting magic is bright, the creative energy is flowing, the murder-spasms are slight, and what’s more, these are our first ever writing sessions with our new drummer, Shane Deyotte. It is truly an exciting time for all of us!
Like we said, things are excellent here in Alberta: Dan has a new mullet and Slayer shirt and sleeps in a tiny room in the basement on a pile of empty pilsner cans. Tyson has become some kind of farmer creature as he mostly takes care of the cat and chickens that came with the house. Shane remains handsome and is still discovering just how much of our weird inside-joke band bullshit he can take. Jeff has completely lost his mind and has ran off in a highly caffeinated stupor. If anyone sees him, do not touch him or poke him with a stick. He will explode.
That being said, we can’t wait to play these new tunes for you all, in some way, shape or form. We really can’t. Though this batch of new songs are only in the beginning stages, we have a feeling that you are going to like them at least a little bit, about a quarter to a half an inch between your thumb and index finger. They’re that good.
More videos and updates to come, friends! Check back with us soon and visit our tour dates section. We will definitely be playing a couple new tunes on this upcoming tour!
– Love, Acres