Tyson, through the talk-back mic: “Why doesn’t Martin just come in here and play piano on this part? He could nail it in seconds.”
Martin, to the rest of us in the control room: “Why does he think I can play piano? I’ve never played piano in my life.”
Excellent week!
We just spent the last 4 days at Revolution Recording getting drum sounds and tracking drums and piano for the new record, and guys, we have to tell you, it is sounding incredible! In no other room could you get these fat tones and natural reverb and we honestly spent the entire time in awe of the quality of the studio and equipment, and results of our experimentation so far. Shane has been an absolute champion and he managed to finish all of the drum tracks within 3 days, leaving the 4th day for mixing and Tyson to make exorbitant use of the grand piano, and many other quirky vintage pianos and organs, provided by the studio. We would like send a big thanks to Stephen and James, our studio and drum tech for these sessions, for providing skilled microphone techniques, limitless patience, the vintage 70s maple Gretsch kit and the 6 different snare drums that have made it onto the album, as well as the Brian Moncarz, for ripping the utmost creativity out of our skulls after a straight 10 hours of the exact same thing… and also for his amazing impression and knowledge of Tom Delonge from Blink 182.
Also, on Friday night, following our final drum session, we had the pleasure and privilege of firing up an annual “holiday rager” at Sneaky Dee’s for the Audio Blood Media 4 year anniversary party! We had a wonderful time sharing the stage with Hands and Teeth, Secret Connection and Amos The Transparent, and celebrating into the night with so many good old friends and family from out this way, and we even got a chance to meet up with our pals in Theset, The Balconies, and even The Matinee! It was an amazing introduction for us into the Audio Blood family, and we can’t thank them enough! Here’s a festive, if not haughty, photo bomb from the party:
There is still much work to be done as far as edits and mixing go, but we are remaining very excited for this next week up in Rattlebox North Studios. Bass starts tomorrow morning! Dan has already begun to brew many of hundreds of fresh pots for his long days coming up! We’ll keep you updated!